Balm for the soul

MelemZaDusu Slika 28januar2023 Manastir Lelic #1

The golden salve for the body removes complaints from rheumatism, all inflammatory processes, as well as inflammation of the sinuses, muscles, tendons and ligaments, as well as joint and connective tissue pain, and improves circulation. The secret of the salve is in the completely natural ingredients, the method of preparation and the amount of incense that is added to each salve. it can also be ordered by phone 060/3332370.

olive oil, lanolin, lavender, mint, yarrow, comfrey, basil.

Shelf life: One year

It removes complaints from rheumatism, all inflammatory processes, as well as sinus inflammation, inflammation of muscles, tendons and ligaments, pain in joints and connective tissues and improves circulation. Contains lavender, nettle, menthol, camphor, mint, lanolin, beeswax, willow and immortelle, and as a secret ingredient – lots of love.

The secret of the miraculous balm made with a lot of love is in the number of incense that is placed in each individual package, while the balm is still hot and in a liquid state.

The beneficial salve was made according to the original recipe and over the course of ten years it was determined how effective it is and how stable its texture, color and smell are. Golden salve with a pleasant smell eliminates various ailments on the body. Friends who tested the salve testified that it helps with many additional problems – the swelling fell on the sprained joint, the salve helped with open cuts, but miraculously also soothed the inflammation of the gums. One hot cup of coffee left no blisters or scars on the forearm after just one day of applying the “Soul Balm”. Smeared on the lungs during a cold, it removed pain and helped healing.

It can also be ordered by calling 060/3332370.

Balm for the soul

Golden salve for the body and soul – handmade from the highest quality ingredients. Made from herbs and edible beeswax. The miraculous salve was blessed in the great sanctuary, and its effectiveness was confirmed by many.
